
mirrord is composed of the following components:

  • mirrord-agent - Rust binary that is packaged as a container image. mirrord-agent runs in the cloud and acts as a proxy for the local process.
  • mirrord-layer - Rust dynamic library (so/dylib) that loads to the local process, hooks its filesystem, network APIs and relays them to the agent.
  • mirrord-cli - Rust binary that wraps the behavior of mirrord-layer in a user friendly CLI.
  • VS Code extension - Exposes the same functionality as - mirrord-cli within the VS Code IDE.
  • IntelliJ plugin - Exposes the same functionality as - mirrord-cli within the IntelliJ IDEs.
    mirrord - Architecture

mirrord-agent #

mirrord-agent is a Kubernetes job that runs in the same namespace as the pod being impersonated in the cluster. This lets the mirrored-agent sniff the network traffic and gain access to the filesystem of the impersonated pod. It then relays file operations from the local process to the impersonated pod and incoming traffic from the impersonated pod to the local process. Outgoing traffic is intercepted at the local process and emitted by the agent as if originating from the impersonated pod. The connection between the agent and the impersonated pod is terminated if the agent pod hits a timeout.

mirrord-agent does not run as a privileged container in the cluster. However, it requires some Linux capabilities to be able to impersonate the targeted pod. These capabilities are:

  • CAP_NET_ADMIN and CAP_NET_RAW - required for modifying routing tables
  • CAP_SYS_PTRACE - required for reading target pod environment
  • CAP_SYS_ADMIN - required for joining target pod network namespace

However, you can disable any subset of those in the configuration using agent.disabled_capabilities option. This will possibly limit mirrord functionalities or even make it unusable in some setups.

mirrord-layer #

mirrord-layer is a .dylib file for OSX systems and .so file on Linux distributions. mirrord-layer is loaded through LD_PRELOAD/DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable with the local process, which lets mirrord-layer selectively override libc functions. The overridden functions are then responsible for maintaining coordination between the process and incoming/outgoing requests for network traffic/file access. mirrord-layer sends and receives events from the agent using port-forwarding.

mirrord-cli #

mirrord-cli is a user friendly interface over the essential functionality provided by mirrord-layer. When you run mirrord-cli, it runs the process provided as an argument with mirrord-layer loaded into it.

VS Code Extension #

mirrord’s VS Code extension provides mirrord’s functionality within VS Code’s UI. When you debug a process with mirrord enabled in VS Code, it prompts you for a pod to impersonate, then runs the debugged process with mirrord-layer loaded into it.

IntelliJ Plugin #

mirrord’s IntelliJ Plugin provides mirrord’s functionality within the IntelliJ UI. When you debug a process with mirrord enabled in IntelliJ, it prompts you for a pod to impersonate, then runs the debugged process with mirrord-layer loaded into it.