
mirrord allows for a high degree of customization when it comes to which features you want to enable, and how they should function.

All of the configuration fields have a default value, so a minimal configuration would be no configuration at all.

The configuration supports templating using the Tera template engine. Currently we don’t provide additional values to the context, if you have anything you want us to provide please let us know.

To use a configuration file in the CLI, use the -f <CONFIG_PATH> flag. Or if using VSCode Extension or JetBrains plugin, simply create a .mirrord/mirrord.json file or use the UI.

To help you get started, here are examples of a basic configuration file, and a complete configuration file containing all fields.

Basic config.json #

  "target": "pod/bear-pod",
  "feature": {
    "env": true,
    "fs": "read",
    "network": true

Basic config.json with templating #

  "target": "{{ get_env(name="TARGET", default="pod/fallback") }}",
  "feature": {
    "env": true,
    "fs": "read",
    "network": true

Complete config.json #

Don’t use this example as a starting point, it’s just here to show you all the available options.

  "accept_invalid_certificates": false,
  "skip_processes": "ide-debugger",
  "target": {
    "path": "pod/bear-pod",
    "namespace": "default"
  "connect_tcp": null,
  "agent": {
    "log_level": "info",
    "json_log": false,
    "labels": { "user": "meow" },
    "annotations": { "": "enabled" },
    "namespace": "default",
    "image": "",
    "image_pull_policy": "IfNotPresent",
    "image_pull_secrets": [ { "secret-key": "secret" } ],
    "ttl": 30,
    "ephemeral": false,
    "communication_timeout": 30,
    "startup_timeout": 360,
    "network_interface": "eth0",
    "flush_connections": true
  "feature": {
    "env": {
      "include": "DATABASE_USER;PUBLIC_ENV",
      "override": {
        "DATABASE_CONNECTION": "db://localhost:7777/my-db",
        "LOCAL_BEAR": "panda"
    "fs": {
      "mode": "write",
      "read_write": ".+\\.json" ,
      "read_only": [ ".+\\.yaml", ".+important-file\\.txt" ],
      "local": [ ".+\\.js", ".+\\.mjs" ]
    "network": {
      "incoming": {
        "mode": "steal",
        "http_filter": {
          "header_filter": "host: api\\..+"
        "port_mapping": [[ 7777, 8888 ]],
        "ignore_localhost": false,
        "ignore_ports": [9999, 10000]
      "outgoing": {
        "tcp": true,
        "udp": true,
        "filter": {
          "local": ["tcp://", "", "", ":53"]
        "ignore_localhost": false,
        "unix_streams": "bear.+"
      "dns": {
        "enabled": true,
        "filter": {
          "local": ["", "", ""]
    "copy_target": {
      "scale_down": false
  "operator": true,
  "kubeconfig": "~/.kube/config",
  "sip_binaries": "bash",
  "telemetry": true,
  "kube_context": "my-cluster"

Options #

accept_invalid_certificates #

Controls whether or not mirrord accepts invalid TLS certificates (e.g. self-signed certificates).

If not provided, mirrord will use value from the kubeconfig.

agent #

Configuration for the mirrord-agent pod that is spawned in the Kubernetes cluster.

We provide sane defaults for this option, so you don’t have to set up anything here.

  "agent": {
    "log_level": "info",
    "json_log": false,
    "namespace": "default",
    "image": "",
    "image_pull_policy": "IfNotPresent",
    "image_pull_secrets": [ { "secret-key": "secret" } ],
    "ttl": 30,
    "ephemeral": false,
    "communication_timeout": 30,
    "startup_timeout": 360,
    "network_interface": "eth0",
    "flush_connections": false

agent.annotations #

Allows setting up custom annotations for the agent Job and Pod.

  "annotations": { "": "enabled" }

agent.check_out_of_pods #

Determine if to check whether there is room for agent job in target node. (Not applicable when using ephemeral containers feature)

Can be disabled if the check takes too long and you are sure there is enough resources on each node

agent.communication_timeout #

Controls how long the agent lives when there are no connections.

Each connection has its own heartbeat mechanism, so even if the local application has no messages, the agent stays alive until there are no more heartbeat messages.

agent.disabled_capabilities #

Disables specified Linux capabilities for the agent container. If nothing is disabled here, agent uses NET_ADMIN, NET_RAW, SYS_PTRACE and SYS_ADMIN.

agent.dns #

agent.ephemeral #

Runs the agent as an ephemeral container

Defaults to false.

agent.flush_connections #

Flushes existing connections when starting to steal, might fix issues where connections aren’t stolen (due to being already established)

Defaults to true.

agent.image #

Name of the agent’s docker image.

Useful when a custom build of mirrord-agent is required, or when using an internal registry.

Defaults to the latest stable image "".

  "image": "internal.repo/images/mirrord:latest"

Complete setup:

  "image": {
    "registry": "internal.repo/images/mirrord",
    "tag": "latest"

agent.image_pull_policy #

Controls when a new agent image is downloaded.

Supports "IfNotPresent", "Always", "Never", or any valid kubernetes image pull policy

Defaults to "IfNotPresent"

agent.image_pull_secrets #

List of secrets the agent pod has access to.

Takes an array of entries with the format { name: <secret-name> }.

Read more here.

  "agent": {
    "image_pull_secrets": [
      { "name": "secret-key-1" },
      { "name": "secret-key-2" }

agent.json_log #

Controls whether the agent produces logs in a human-friendly format, or json.

  "agent": {
    "json_log": true

agent.labels #

Allows setting up custom labels for the agent Job and Pod.

  "labels": { "user": "meow", "state": "asleep" }

agent.log_level #

Log level for the agent.

Supports "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", or any string that would work with RUST_LOG.

  "agent": {
    "log_level": "mirrord=debug,warn"

agent.namespace #

Namespace where the agent shall live. Note: Doesn’t work with ephemeral containers. Defaults to the current kubernetes namespace.

agent.network_interface #

Which network interface to use for mirroring.

The default behavior is try to access the internet and use that interface. If that fails it uses eth0.

agent.nftables #

Use iptables-nft instead of iptables-legacy. Defaults to false.

Needed if your mesh uses nftables instead of iptables-legacy,

agent.node_selector #

Allows setting up custom node selector for the agent Pod. Applies only to targetless runs, as targeted agent always runs on the same node as its target container.

  "node_selector": { "": "node1" }

agent.privileged #

Run the mirror agent as privileged container. Defaults to false.

Might be needed in strict environments such as Bottlerocket.

agent.resources #

Set pod resource reqirements. (not with ephemeral agents) Default is

    "cpu": "1m",
    "memory": "1Mi"
    "cpu": "100m",
      "memory": "100Mi"

agent.service_account #

Allows setting up custom Service Account for the agent Job and Pod.

  "service_account": "my-service-account"

agent.startup_timeout #

Controls how long to wait for the agent to finish initialization.

If initialization takes longer than this value, mirrord exits.

Defaults to 60.

agent.tolerations #

Set pod tolerations. (not with ephemeral agents) Default is

    "operator": "Exists"

Set to an empty array to have no tolerations at all

agent.ttl #

Controls how long the agent pod persists for after the agent exits (in seconds).

Can be useful for collecting logs.

Defaults to 1.

connect_tcp #

IP:PORT to connect to instead of using k8s api, for testing purposes.

  "connect_tcp": ""

container #

Unstable: mirrord container command specific config.

container.cli_extra_args #

Any extra args to use when creating the sidecar mirrord-cli container.

This is useful when you want to use portforwarding, passing -p local:container won’t work for main command but adding them here will work

  "container": {
    "cli_extra_args": ["-p", "local:container"]

container.cli_image #

Tag of the mirrord-cli image you want to use.

Defaults to "<cli version>".

container.cli_image_lib_path #

Path of the mirrord-layer lib inside the specified mirrord-cli image.

Defaults to "/opt/mirrord/lib/".

experimental #

mirrord Experimental features. This shouldn’t be used unless someone from MetalBear/mirrord tells you to.

experimental disable_reuseaddr #

Disables the SO_REUSEADDR socket option on sockets that mirrord steals/mirrors. On macOS the application can use the same address many times but then we don’t steal it correctly. This probably should be on by default but we want to gradually roll it out. This option applies only on macOS.

experimental enable_exec_hooks_linux #

Enables exec hooks on Linux. Enable Linux hooks can fix issues when the application shares sockets with child commands (e.g Python web servers with reload), but the feature is not stable and may cause other issues.

experimental hide_ipv6_interfaces #

Enables getifaddrs hook that removes IPv6 interfaces from the list returned by libc.


experimental tcp_ping4_mock #

experimental trust_any_certificate #

Enables trusting any certificate on macOS, useful for

experimental use_dev_null #

Uses /dev/null for creating local fake files (should be better than using /tmp)

external_proxy #

Configuration for the external proxy mirrord spawns when using the mirrord container command. This proxy is used to allow the internal proxy running in sidecar to connect to the mirrord agent.

If you get ConnectionRefused errors, increasing the timeouts a bit might solve the issue.

  "external_proxy": {
    "start_idle_timeout": 30,
    "idle_timeout": 5

external_proxy.idle_timeout #

How much time to wait while we don’t have any active connections before exiting.

Common cases would be running a chain of processes that skip using the layer and don’t connect to the proxy.

  "external_proxy": {
    "idle_timeout": 30

external_proxy.log_destination #

Set the log file destination for the external proxy.

external_proxy.log_level #

Sets the log level for the external proxy.

Follows the RUST_LOG convention (i.e mirrord=trace), and will only be used if external_proxy.log_destination is set

external_proxy.start_idle_timeout #

How much time to wait for the first connection to the external proxy in seconds.

Common cases would be running with dlv or any other debugger, which sets a breakpoint on process execution, delaying the layer startup and connection to the external proxy.

  "external_proxy": {
    "start_idle_timeout": 60

feature #

Controls mirrord features.

See the technical reference, Technical Reference to learn more about what each feature does.

The env, fs and network options have support for a shortened version, that you can see here.

  "feature": {
    "env": {
      "include": "DATABASE_USER;PUBLIC_ENV",
      "override": {
        "DATABASE_CONNECTION": "db://localhost:7777/my-db",
        "LOCAL_BEAR": "panda"
    "fs": {
      "mode": "write",
      "read_write": ".+\\.json" ,
      "read_only": [ ".+\\.yaml", ".+important-file\\.txt" ],
      "local": [ ".+\\.js", ".+\\.mjs" ]
    "network": {
      "incoming": {
        "mode": "steal",
        "http_filter": {
          "header_filter": "host: api\\..+"
        "port_mapping": [[ 7777, 8888 ]],
        "ignore_localhost": false,
        "ignore_ports": [9999, 10000]
      "outgoing": {
        "tcp": true,
        "udp": true,
        "filter": {
          "local": ["tcp://", "", "", ":53"]
        "ignore_localhost": false,
        "unix_streams": "bear.+"
      "dns": false
    "copy_target": false,
    "hostname": true

feature.copy_target #

Creates a new copy of the target. mirrord will use this copy instead of the original target (e.g. intercept network traffic). This feature requires a mirrord operator.

This feature is not compatible with rollout targets and running without a target (targetless mode).

Allows the user to target a pod created dynamically from the orignal target. The new pod inherits most of the original target’s specification, e.g. labels.

  "feature": {
    "copy_target": {
      "scale_down": true
  "feature": {
    "copy_target": true

feature.copy_target.scale_down #

If this option is set, mirrord will scale down the target deployment to 0 for the time the copied pod is alive.

This option is compatible only with deployment targets.

      "scale_down": true

feature.env #

Allows the user to set or override the local process’ environment variables with the ones from the remote pod.

Which environment variables to load from the remote pod are controlled by setting either include or exclude.

See the environment variables reference for more details.

  "feature": {
    "env": {
      "include": "DATABASE_USER;PUBLIC_ENV;MY_APP_*",
      "override": {
        "DATABASE_CONNECTION": "db://localhost:7777/my-db",
        "LOCAL_BEAR": "panda"

feature.env.exclude #

Include the remote environment variables in the local process that are NOT specified by this option. Variable names can be matched using * and ? where ? matches exactly one occurrence of any character and * matches arbitrary many (including zero) occurrences of any character.

Some of the variables that are excluded by default: PATH, HOME, HOMEPATH, CLASSPATH, JAVA_EXE, JAVA_HOME, PYTHONPATH.

Can be passed as a list or as a semicolon-delimited string (e.g. "VAR;OTHER_VAR").

feature.env.include #

Include only these remote environment variables in the local process. Variable names can be matched using * and ? where ? matches exactly one occurrence of any character and * matches arbitrary many (including zero) occurrences of any character.

Can be passed as a list or as a semicolon-delimited string (e.g. "VAR;OTHER_VAR").

Some environment variables are excluded by default (PATH for example), including these requires specifying them with include

feature.env.load_from_process #

Allows for changing the way mirrord loads remote environment variables. If set, the variables are fetched after the user application is started.

This setting is meant to resolve issues when using mirrord via the IntelliJ plugin on WSL and the remote environment contains a lot of variables.

feature.env.override #

Allows setting or overriding environment variables (locally) with a custom value.

For example, if the remote pod has an environment variable REGION=1, but this is an undesirable value, it’s possible to use override to set REGION=2 (locally) instead.

feature.env.unset #

Allows unsetting environment variables in the executed process.

This is useful for when some system/user-defined environment like AWS_PROFILE make the application behave as if it’s running locally, instead of using the remote settings. The unsetting happens from extension (if possible)/CLI and when process initializes. In some cases, such as Go the env might not be able to be modified from the process itself. This is case insensitive, meaning if you’d put AWS_PROFILE it’d unset both AWS_PROFILE and Aws_Profile and other variations.

feature.fs #

Allows the user to specify the default behavior for file operations:

  1. "read" - Read from the remote file system (default)
  2. "write" - Read/Write from the remote file system.
  3. "local" - Read from the local file system.
  4. "localwithoverrides" - perform fs operation locally, unless the path matches a pre-defined or user-specified exception.

Note: by default, some paths are read locally or remotely, regardless of the selected FS mode. This is described in further detail below.

Besides the default behavior, the user can specify behavior for specific regex patterns. Case insensitive.

  1. "read_write" - List of patterns that should be read/write remotely.
  2. "read_only" - List of patterns that should be read only remotely.
  3. "local" - List of patterns that should be read locally.
  4. "not_found" - List of patters that should never be read nor written. These files should be treated as non-existent.
  5. "mapping" - Map of patterns and their corresponding replacers. The replacement happens before any specific behavior as defined above or mode (uses Regex::replace)

The logic for choosing the behavior is as follows:

  1. Check agains “mapping” if path needs to be replaced, if matched then continue to next step with new path after replacements otherwise continue as usual.

  2. Check if one of the patterns match the file path, do the corresponding action. There’s no specified order if two lists match the same path, we will use the first one (and we do not guarantee what is first).

    Warning: Specifying the same path in two lists is unsupported and can lead to undefined behaviour.

  3. There are pre-defined exceptions to the set FS mode.

    1. Paths that match the patterns defined here are read locally by default.
    2. Paths that match the patterns defined here are read remotely by default when the mode is localwithoverrides.
    3. Paths that match the patterns defined here under the running user’s home directory will not be found by the application when the mode is not local.

    In order to override that default setting for a path, or a pattern, include it the appropriate pattern set from above. E.g. in order to read files under /etc/ remotely even though it is covered by the set of patterns that are read locally by default, add "^/etc/." to the read_only set.

  4. If none of the above match, use the default behavior (mode).

For more information, check the file operations technical reference.

  "feature": {
    "fs": {
      "mode": "write",
      "read_write": ".+\\.json" ,
      "read_only": [ ".+\\.yaml", ".+important-file\\.txt" ],
      "local": [ ".+\\.js", ".+\\.mjs" ],
      "not_found": [ "\\.config/gcloud" ]

feature.fs.local #

Specify file path patterns that if matched will be opened locally.

feature.fs.mapping #

Specify map of patterns that if matched will replace the path according to specification.

Capture groups are allowed.


  "^/home/(?<user>\\S+)/dev/tomcat": "/etc/tomcat"
  "^/home/(?<user>\\S+)/dev/config/(?<app>\\S+)": "/mnt/configs/${user}-$app"

Will do the next replacements for any io operaton

/home/johndoe/dev/tomcat/context.xml => /etc/tomcat/context.xml /home/johndoe/dev/config/api/app.conf => /mnt/configs/johndoe-api/app.conf

  • Relative paths: this feature (currently) does not apply mappings to relative paths, e.g. ../dev.

feature.fs.mode #

Configuration for enabling read-only or read-write file operations.

These options are overriden by user specified overrides and mirrord default overrides.

If you set "localwithoverrides" then some files can be read/write remotely based on our default/user specified. Default option for general file configuration.

The accepted values are: "local", "localwithoverrides, "read", or "write.

feature.fs.not_found #

Specify file path patterns that if matched will be treated as non-existent.

feature.fs.read_only #

Specify file path patterns that if matched will be read from the remote. if file matching the pattern is opened for writing or read/write it will be opened locally.

feature.fs.read_write #

Specify file path patterns that if matched will be read and written to the remote.

feature.hostname #

Should mirrord return the hostname of the target pod when calling gethostname #

Controls mirrord network operations.

See the network traffic reference for more details.

  "feature": {
    "network": {
      "incoming": {
        "mode": "steal",
        "http_filter": {
          "header_filter": "host: api\\..+"
        "port_mapping": [[ 7777, 8888 ]],
        "ignore_localhost": false,
        "ignore_ports": [9999, 10000]
      "outgoing": {
        "tcp": true,
        "udp": true,
        "filter": {
          "local": ["tcp://", "", "", ":53"]
        "ignore_localhost": false,
        "unix_streams": "bear.+"
      "dns": {
        "enabled": true,
        "filter": {
          "local": ["", "", ""]
} #

Resolve DNS via the remote pod.

Defaults to true.

Mind that:

  • DNS resolving can be done in multiple ways. Some frameworks use getaddrinfo/gethostbyname functions, while others communicate directly with the DNS server at port 53 and perform a sort of manual resolution. Just enabling the dns feature in mirrord might not be enough. If you see an address resolution error, try enabling the fs feature, and setting read_only: ["/etc/resolv.conf"].
  • DNS filter currently works only with frameworks that use getaddrinfo/gethostbyname functions. #

Unstable: the precise syntax of this config is subject to change.

List of addresses/ports/subnets that should be resolved through either the remote pod or local app, depending how you set this up with either remote or local.

You may use this option to specify when DNS resolution is done from the remote pod (which is the default behavior when you enable remote DNS), or from the local app (default when you have remote DNS disabled).

Takes a list of values, such as:

  • Only queries for hostname my-service-in-cluster will go through the remote pod.
  "remote": ["my-service-in-cluster"]
  • Only queries for addresses in subnet with service port `1337`` will go through the remote pod.
  "remote": [""]
  • Only queries for hostname with service port 1337 or 7331 will go through the remote pod.
  "remote": ["", ""]
  • Only queries for localhost with service port 1337 will go through the local app.
  "local": ["localhost:1337"]
  • Only queries with service port 1337 or 7331 will go through the local app.
  "local": [":1337", ":7331"]

Valid values follow this pattern: [name|address|subnet/mask][:port]. #

Controls the incoming TCP traffic feature.

See the incoming reference for more details.

Incoming traffic supports 3 modes of operation:

  1. Mirror (default): Sniffs the TCP data from a port, and forwards a copy to the interested listeners;

  2. Steal: Captures the TCP data from a port, and forwards it to the local process.

  3. Off: Disables the incoming network feature.

This field can either take an object with more configuration fields (that are documented below), or alternatively -

  • A boolean:
    • true: use the default configuration, same as not specifying this field at all.
    • false: disable incoming configuration.
  • One of the incoming modes (lowercase).


Steal all the incoming traffic:

  "feature": {
    "network": {
      "incoming": "steal"

Disable the incoming traffic feature:

  "feature": {
    "network": {
      "incoming": false

Steal only traffic that matches the http_filter (steals only HTTP traffic).

  "feature": {
    "network": {
      "incoming": {
        "mode": "steal",
        "http_filter": {
          "header_filter": "host: api\\..+"
        "port_mapping": [[ 7777, 8888 ]],
        "ignore_localhost": false,
        "ignore_ports": [9999, 10000],
        "listen_ports": [[80, 8111]]
} #

Filter configuration for the HTTP traffic stealer feature.

Allows the user to set a filter (regex) for the HTTP headers, so that the stealer traffic feature only captures HTTP requests that match the specified filter, forwarding unmatched requests to their original destinations.

Only does something when is set as "steal", ignored otherwise.

For example, to filter based on header:

  "header_filter": "host: api\\..+"

Setting that filter will make mirrord only steal requests with the host header set to hosts that start with “api”, followed by a dot, and then at least one more character.

For example, to filter based on path:

  "path_filter": "^/api/"

Setting this filter will make mirrord only steal requests to URIs starting with “/api/”.

This can be useful for filtering out Kubernetes liveness, readiness and startup probes. For example, for avoiding stealing any probe sent by kubernetes, you can set this filter:

  "header_filter": "^User-Agent: (?!kube-probe)"

Setting this filter will make mirrord only steal requests that do have a user agent that does not begin with “kube-probe”.

Similarly, you can exclude certain paths using a negative look-ahead:

  "path_filter": "^(?!/health/)"

Setting this filter will make mirrord only steal requests to URIs that do not start with “/health/”. #

Messages must match all of the specified filters. Cannot be an empty list. #

Messages must match any of the specified filters. Cannot be an empty list. #

Supports regexes validated by the fancy-regex crate.

The HTTP traffic feature converts the HTTP headers to HeaderKey: HeaderValue, case-insensitive. #

Supports regexes validated by the fancy-regex crate.

Case-insensitive. Tries to find match in the path (without query) and path+query. If any of the two matches, the request is stolen. #

Activate the HTTP traffic filter only for these ports.

Other ports will not be stolen, unless listed in

Set to [80, 8080] by default. # #

Ports to ignore when mirroring/stealing traffic, these ports will remain local.

Can be especially useful when is set to "steal", and you want to avoid redirecting traffic from some ports (for example, traffic from a health probe, or other heartbeat-like traffic).

Mutually exclusive with #

Mapping for local ports to actually used local ports. When application listens on a port while steal/mirror is active we fallback to random ports to avoid port conflicts. Using this configuration will always use the specified port. If this configuration doesn’t exist, mirrord will try to listen on the original port and if it fails it will assign a random port

This is useful when you want to access ports exposed by your service locally For example, if you have a service that listens on port 80 and you want to access it, you probably can’t listen on 80 without sudo, so you can use [[80, 4480]] then access it on 4480 while getting traffic from remote 80. The value of port_mapping doesn’t affect this. #

Allows selecting between mirrorring or stealing traffic.

Can be set to either "mirror" (default), "steal" or "off".

  • "mirror": Sniffs on TCP port, and send a copy of the data to listeners.
  • "off": Disables the incoming network feature.
  • "steal": Supports 2 modes of operation:
  1. Port traffic stealing: Steals all TCP data from a port, which is selected whenever the user listens in a TCP socket (enabling the feature is enough to make this work, no additional configuration is needed);

  2. HTTP traffic stealing: Steals only HTTP traffic, mirrord tries to detect if the incoming data on a port is HTTP (in a best-effort kind of way, not guaranteed to be HTTP), and steals the traffic on the port if it is HTTP; #

(Operator Only): Allows overriding port locks

Can be set to either "continue" or "override".

  • "continue": Continue with normal execution
  • "override": If port lock detected then override it with new lock and force close the original locking connection. #

Mapping for local ports to remote ports.

This is useful when you want to mirror/steal a port to a different port on the remote machine. For example, your local process listens on port 9333 and the container listens on port 80. You’d use [[9333, 80]] #

List of ports to mirror/steal traffic from. Other ports will remain local.

Mutually exclusive with #

Tunnel outgoing network operations through mirrord.

See the outgoing reference for more details.

The remote and local config for this feature are mutually exclusive.

  "feature": {
    "network": {
      "outgoing": {
        "tcp": true,
        "udp": true,
        "ignore_localhost": false,
        "filter": {
          "local": ["tcp://", "", "", ":53"]
        "unix_streams": "bear.+"
} #

Filters that are used to send specific traffic from either the remote pod or the local app

List of addresses/ports/subnets that should be sent through either the remote pod or local app, depending how you set this up with either remote or local.

You may use this option to specify when outgoing traffic is sent from the remote pod (which is the default behavior when you enable outgoing traffic), or from the local app (default when you have outgoing traffic disabled).

Takes a list of values, such as:

  • Only UDP traffic on subnet on port 1337 will go through the remote pod.
  "remote": ["udp://"]
  • Only UDP and TCP traffic on resolved address of on port 1337 and 7331 will go through the remote pod.
  "remote": ["", ""]
  • Only TCP traffic on localhost on port 1337 will go through the local app, the rest will be emmited remotely in the cluster.
  "local": ["tcp://localhost:1337"]
  • Only outgoing traffic on port 1337 and 7331 will go through the local app.
  "local": [":1337", ":7331"]

Valid values follow this pattern: [protocol]://[name|address|subnet/mask]:[port]. #

Defaults to false. #

Defaults to true. #

Defaults to true. #

Connect to these unix streams remotely (and to all other paths locally).

You can either specify a single value or an array of values. Each value is interpreted as a regular expression (Supported Syntax).

When your application connects to a unix socket, the target address will be converted to a string (non-utf8 bytes are replaced by a placeholder character) and matched against the set of regexes specified here. If there is a match, mirrord will connect your application with the target unix socket address on the target pod. Otherwise, it will leave the connection to happen locally on your machine.

feature.split_queues #

Define filters to split queues by, and make your local application consume only messages that match those filters. If you don’t specify any filter for a queue that is however declared in the MirrordWorkloadQueueRegistry of the target you’re using, a match-nothing filter will be used, and your local application will not receive any messages from that queue.

  "feature": {
    "split_queues": {
      "first-queue": {
        "queue_type": "SQS",
        "message_filter": {
          "wows": "so wows",
          "coolz": "^very"
      "second-queue": {
        "queue_type": "SQS",
        "message_filter": {
          "who": "you$"
      "third-queue": {
        "queue_type": "Kafka",
        "message_filter": {
          "who": "you$"
      "fourth-queue": {
        "queue_type": "Kafka",
        "message_filter": {
          "wows": "so wows",
          "coolz": "^very"

internal_proxy #

Configuration for the internal proxy mirrord spawns for each local mirrord session that local layers use to connect to the remote agent

This is seldom used, but if you get ConnectionRefused errors, you might want to increase the timeouts a bit.

  "internal_proxy": {
    "start_idle_timeout": 30,
    "idle_timeout": 5

internal_proxy.idle_timeout #

How much time to wait while we don’t have any active connections before exiting.

Common cases would be running a chain of processes that skip using the layer and don’t connect to the proxy.

  "internal_proxy": {
    "idle_timeout": 30

internal_proxy.log_destination #

Set the log file destination for the internal proxy.

internal_proxy.log_level #

Set the log level for the internal proxy. RUST_LOG convention (i.e mirrord=trace) will only be used if log_destination is set.

internal_proxy.start_idle_timeout #

How much time to wait for the first connection to the proxy in seconds.

Common cases would be running with dlv or any other debugger, which sets a breakpoint on process execution, delaying the layer startup and connection to proxy.

  "internal_proxy": {
    "start_idle_timeout": 60

kube_context #

Kube context to use from the kubeconfig file. Will use current context if not specified.

  "kube_context": "mycluster"

kubeconfig #

Path to a kubeconfig file, if not specified, will use KUBECONFIG, or ~/.kube/config, or the in-cluster config.

  "kubeconfig": "~/bear/kube-config"

operator #

Whether mirrord should use the operator. If not set, mirrord will first attempt to use the operator, but continue without it in case of failure.

sip_binaries #

Binaries to patch (macOS SIP).

Use this when mirrord isn’t loaded to protected binaries that weren’t automatically patched.

Runs endswith on the binary path (so bash would apply to any binary ending with bash while /usr/bin/bash would apply only for that binary).

  "sip_binaries": "bash;python"

skip_build_tools #

Allows mirrord to skip build tools. Useful when running command lines that build and run the application in a single command.

Defaults to true.

Build-Tools: ["as", "cc", "ld", "go", "air", "asm", "cc1", "cgo", "dlv", "gcc", "git", "link", "math", "cargo", "hpack", "rustc", "compile", "collect2", "cargo-watch", "debugserver"]

skip_processes #

Allows mirrord to skip unwanted processes.

Useful when process A spawns process B, and the user wants mirrord to operate only on process B. Accepts a single value, or multiple values separated by ;.

 "skip_processes": "bash;node"

target #

Specifies the target and namespace to mirror, see path for a list of accepted values for the target option.

The simplified configuration supports:

  • pod/{sample-pod}/[container]/{sample-container};
  • deployment/{sample-deployment}/[container]/{sample-container};

Shortened setup:

 "target": "pod/bear-pod"

Complete setup:

 "target": {
   "path": {
     "pod": "bear-pod"
   "namespace": "default"

target.namespace #

Namespace where the target lives.

Defaults to "default".

target.path #

Specifies the running pod (or deployment) to mirror.

Note: Deployment level steal/mirroring is available only in mirrord for Teams If you use it without it, it will choose a random pod replica to work with.


  • pod/{sample-pod};
  • deployment/{sample-deployment};
  • container/{sample-container};
  • containername/{sample-container}.
  • job/{sample-job} (only when copy_target is enabled).

telemetry #

Controls whether or not mirrord sends telemetry data to MetalBear cloud. Telemetry sent doesn’t contain personal identifiers or any data that should be considered sensitive. It is used to improve the product. For more information

use_proxy #

When disabled, mirrord will remove HTTP[S]_PROXY env variables before doing any network requests. This is useful when the system sets a proxy but you don’t want mirrord to use it. This also applies to the mirrord process (as it just removes the env). If the remote pod sets this env, the mirrord process will still use it.