User Stories

"[With mirrord] the service is running locally (fast iterations) but still receives all the cluster access including databases, credentials, configuration."
About yourself #
I’m Tine Jozelj, a principal engineer working at Bird Buddy.
About your company #
Bird Buddy is making an AI powered bird feeder that recognizes and notifies you about the birds that visit it.
What did you use before? #
Telepresence v1.
Why did you choose mirrord instead? #
Simplicity and performance. As it only consists of a client side application and doesn’t need any cluster components, it makes it easy for developers to setup and use.
How do you and others in your organization use mirrord? #
We use it as part of our development workflow. Whenever a developer wants to run an backend service, they use mirrord to run it. That way the service is running locally (fast iterations) but still receives all the cluster access including databases, credentials, configuration.
It makes our goal of having a consistent environment across the development, testing and production possible.